Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked July 19th 2013


Hi Paul,
This isn’t a specific question about a tutorial, but I wonder if you could help me anyway?
I have a recipe for an almond cake that requires almond paste in it (not marzipan.)
A recipe I found for this states 100g each of unsalted butter, ground almonds, caster sugar.
Would this be correct or do you have any other suggestions?
Some recipes I have seen add egg white, but I wonder if that’s for making marzipan for rolling out and covering??
Please help. Thank you so much.


Hi Paul,
This isn’t a specific question about a tutorial, but I wonder if you could help me anyway?
I have a recipe for an almond cake that requires almond paste in it (not marzipan.)
A recipe I found for this states 100g each of unsalted butter, ground almonds, caster sugar.
Would this be correct or do you have any other suggestions?
Some recipes I have seen add egg white, but I wonder if that’s for making marzipan for rolling out and covering??
Please help. Thank you so much.


Hi Deane-Mae

Usually almond paste is made from equal quantities of almond meal made from blanched almonds and sugar bound together with a some glucose syrup or an egg white. I’m not sure where the butter in your recipe fits in but I’m sure the recipe must explain. Marzipan doesn’t use butter either as almonds are naturally oily anyway. Some marzipan recipes will use egg whites only, others either egg yolks or whole egg. Could you give a few more detail of the recipe please?


Hi there,
Thank you so much for replying.
Basically, I have an almond cake recipe by David Lebovitz. It says specifically…” 3/4 cup almond paste (not marzipan)
This cake recipe gives no indication of how to make the required almond paste, so I just looked online to find one and came up with the one I asked you about.
It states that almond paste is used in cake and pastry recipes and that this 100g of suga,r butter and ground almonds should be mixed until light and creamy and then used for e.g. Danish Pastries Filling.
I hope this extra information helps you to help me! Any ideas now as to why butter is included?
Other recipes I’ve seen did vary in ingredients used: corn syrup, water, egg etc.
Thank you again for your help.


Hi Deane-Mae

I think I’ve found the recipe you’re looking at and it’s a bit confusing, but never mind. He does actually say he’s never made almond paste. To make the paste use equal quantities of blanched almonds, (the ones without the skins) and sugar. Pop them into a food processor and grind them both together until they look like fine bread crumbs. Add an egg white and whizz until the mix comes together like dough. That’s it! you can use it in your cake recipe as directed by David. If we’re looking at the same recipe I would use 75g each of sugar and almonds. The butter is for the cake. If he says not marzipan that’s because although almond paste and marzipan seem the same, marzipan has less almonds and more sugar and is ground much finer so that it can be used for covering cakes and making confectionary, while the paste is used in baked cakes, pastries, macaroons and biscuits. It feels coarser in consistency. You can add a teaspoon of almond extract to your mixture during the whizzing stage if want to get the almondy taste. Hope this clears up some of the mystery for you.


Hi there,
I think we may be looking at different versions of the same recipe because the one I have lists the butter for the cake separately and then states the quantity of almond paste (3/4 cup) as a separate ingredient.
I think I have confused you, because the 100g sugar, almonds, butter recipe for the paste, I found from a completely different site and can no longer track down where I first saw it!
However, I am going with your advice for making the paste and will let you know in due course how I get on.
Thanks a million, as always for your help and your speedy replies


Does the recipe say 225g of almond paste? If it does then I have the quantities wrong, that should be half almonds and half sugar to make up the 225 g. Sorry if it’s not he same recipe, if you find the original one post the link, sounds interesting. x


Hi there,
I think I’ve found the recipe you’re looking at. I will compare to the version I have and get back to you.
Many, many thanks for your time.


This is the recipe http://www.davidlebovitz.com/2010/06/almond-cake-recipe/ and I see where the butter comes in. He mixed a quarter of cup of the flour when blizting the almonds to make the paste. To the rest of the flour he adds the baking powder etc. The cubed butter and water is added to the paste, thats almonds, sugar and quarter cup flour until light and fluffy. He then adds the eggs and mixes well and adds the remaining flour in two stages on the pulse button of the processor. Now the batter for the cake is ready. Are we on the same recipe? I hope so. x


Hi again,
Sorry I haven’t got back before now. Yes we are on the same recipe! I found the link you gave, but I also have a different version of it (don’t remember where I got it from) Mine is set out exactly as follows……
1 1/3 cups granulated sugar, 3/4 cup almond paste (not marzipan), 10 oz unsalted butter room temp, 6 large eggs, 1 teaspn vanilla extract, 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1 teaspn baking powder 1/4 teaspn salt.
In the method the almond paste is mixed up with the sugar, then the butter is beaten in until it’s all light and fluffy, then eggs and vanilla added and finally the dry ingredients.
The ingredient that is causing me the biggest problem is the almond paste. At the end of the recipe (the link you gave me) there are many comments about the recipe and here, again, comes up the difference between almond paste and marzipan. One person gives a recipe for it 50% ground almonds, 50% icing sugar almond extract and a LITTLE water. This is then used in David’s recipe.. or people say the paste can be bought in tubes/tubs.
I am going to try this cake this morning(recipe from the link you gave) and I am going with the instructions you gave me in your last answer… but I have no almond paste and am thinking of just trying it with marzipan! Please , please, what is the difference between almond paste and marzipan?
Do you think I’m heading for a disaster?!
If you get a chance to re-read the recipe in the link you sent me and the comments at the end of it, I would be really grateful if you get a chance to get back to me with your advice… whilst I go and line the tin and get the other ingredients ready!
Sorry this is so long… but this recipe is driving me to distraction and I’m determined to make it!
Huge thanks in advance for the brilliant help you provide.


Hi Deane-May
Marizipan paste contains 30% almonds and 70% sugar and is made in a similar way to almond paste but it is used for rolling out and decorating cakes. Almond paste is 50% almonds and 50% sugar and is used for in baking, like you want to do and in pastries like danish. It’s much richer and less sweeter. Deane-May, sometimes we just confuse ourselves just like I did when you first posted your question. There isn’t anything there which you should worry about. Just make the almond paste up like I said in my answer above. Add a little water if the paste is too stiff and add the flavouring too. If you’re still having problems it might be better if you write to me at
[email protected] but I hope it works out for you.


Hi there,
I made the almond cake and it did work out. It is soft, moist and deliciously almondy.
Thank you so, so much for your patience and help with all my queries.
I wish I could thank you with a slice to taste!
Kindest regards,


You’re welcome Deane-Mae, I’ll have a go at making it myself when I get back from my holiday. Glad it worked out for you. x

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