Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked August 1st 2016

Ann – Why can only see the overview for a tutorial

Ann – Why can only see the overview for a tutorial

I can only see the overview on Mrs Jones vanilla cake


Ann – Why can only see the overview for a tutorial

I can only see the overview on Mrs Jones vanilla cake


Hi Ann

If you are a paying member please make sure that you are logged in to view all Mrs Jones’ tutorial. There is more help and information here:


Please scroll down to Membership support and select ‘I’ve paid membership, but I can’t access courses’.

Hope this helps.


I’m afraid not, I am logged in and can view other courses but Mrs Jones vanilla cake only has the course overview there to view, so no timings temperatures etc ?


I’ve just viewed the tutorial and it is working for me. Once the overview has played click on lesson 1 to watch the next video.
Mrs Jones verbates the temperature as 160c and bake for 1 hour. She is using a fan oven so I am assuming that the temp is for fan. If it’s still not working for you please use the contact details given in the above information link.

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