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Attaching ribbon
I usually secure my ribbon at the back of cake with a blob of royal icing
However I’ve just done an offset design where the edges overlapped slightly the tier below and I wanted to secure the ribbon at the corners. I was using fuschia pink and found that the icing was leaving a darker mark on the ribbon. Any advice on what is best to use to prevent anything showing through.
I usually secure my ribbon at the back of cake with a blob of royal icing
However I’ve just done an offset design where the edges overlapped slightly the tier below and I wanted to secure the ribbon at the corners. I was using fuschia pink and found that the icing was leaving a darker mark on the ribbon. Any advice on what is best to use to prevent anything showing through.
Hi AnnieLaurie
Try double sided sticky tape, it works a dream for me!
I also use dressmakers pin and also piping gel. The gel does stain some dark and light shades so you’d need to try a little on your ribbon to see how it is.
In the past I have studded the whole ribbon with diamante pins like this:
Just some ideas to play with!
I like the sound of the diamanté pins, especially if your doing a bling type cake. I’m presuming they are food safe as they are going into the cake. The double sided tape I use on the base board and yes it is great. I hadn’t thought of using it on the cakes. Does it come off with the ribbon when “de-robing” it for cutting?
I don’t put the pins into cake, that would be toooo dangerous. I only use them when attaching ribbons to boards …… sorry I misunderstood what you were saying. The double sided tape does come straight off with the ribbon once the cake is taken in for cutting.
In some tutorials you will see Paul has used a very few diamantes directly into cake. This can be done providing you are using stainless steel stemmed pins which can be sanitized by heat or with alcohol. It is crucial to let the recipient of the cake or who ever is cutting the cake, know that the pins have to carefully removed before service. I usually write it all down, number of pins used and exactly where they are located on the cake. A copy of the instructions for yourself and a copy for the recipient/cake cutter with their signature to say they have understood the instructions.
Best to be safe than sorry.