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asked September 3rd 2015

Australian Storage Containers

Does anybody know where I can source the above containers in which to store flower paste please? I saw these at the cake exhibition last November and the containers apparently have some type of stay fresh element which negated the need for the flower paste to be wrapped in cling film. I wish I’d bought them at the time.
Many thanks x


Does anybody know where I can source the above containers in which to store flower paste please? I saw these at the cake exhibition last November and the containers apparently have some type of stay fresh element which negated the need for the flower paste to be wrapped in cling film. I wish I’d bought them at the time.
Many thanks x


Hi bellscakes

You can’t remember the name of the seller or the type of stall it was? I’ve just found last year’s show programme with the list of all the vendors. If you could just remember what else they sold or which part of the venue they were situated I can have a look through the programme to see if I can find them. x


Hi Madeitwithlove
Thanks very much that sounds promising. I unfortunately didn’t notice the name of the stall seller but recall that they just appeared to sell plastic containers. The stall seemed quite sparsely stocked at the time and the ones that attracted me were for keeping flower paste fresh. I think each container came with a removable disc which was placed upon the flower paste to keep in the moisture. The product was seemingly very new on the market. From memory I think the stall was located in the third or fourth aisle of the hall from the actual entrance and was near the bottom of one of the rows looking back up to that entrance if that makes sense.


Hi Madeitwithlove
Thanks very much that sounds promising. I unfortunately didn’t notice the name of the stall seller but recall that they just appeared to sell plastic containers. The stall seemed quite sparsely stocked at the time and the ones that attracted me were for keeping flower paste fresh. I think each container came with a removable disc which was placed upon the flower paste to keep in the moisture. The product was seemingly very new on the market. From memory I think the stall was located in the third or fourth aisle of the hall from the actual entrance and was near the bottom of one of the rows looking back up to that entrance if that makes sense. Thanks again. x


Hi bellscakes

Sorry to have taken so long. I had to go through row by row of the programme and then go to each web site which I thought might be the one. Bingo!! I think I’ve found it, it is this?


Please let me know either way and I’ll keep looking it not. x


They also have facebook page here:https://www.facebook.com/roceels

Now I’m begining to think this is not what you are talking about??


Hi madeitwothlove

Thanks so much yes I believe this is the correct website. I emailed them to find out if they send to this country. I don’t think I will be able to go to cake international in November otherwise I’d have got them there had the seller been taking a stall. On the topic of flower paste though once it’s hardened is there any way to retrieve it for flower making again? Many thanks as ever for all your help. x


I usually end up with loads of dried up flowerpaste. I place it in a sealed plastic container and warm it in hot water. Just let it sit until it softens. Depending on how hard it is you’ll be able to start kneading it but it will crumble and crack. Add some trex and knead until most of the bigger lumps fall off then start rolling it out over and over again. I’ve got the heavy kingpin rolling pin which helps massively! If it starts to dry, add some more trex and a tiny bit of glycerine. The lumps will eventuall soften down, you may have to pick other out. I’ve never had the patience to soften big batches, this is great for small amounts. You can also warm it on low heat in the micro wave, small bursts at a time otherwise it will burn. Lastly you can also place it in a plastic bag and wrap the whole thing in a wet cloth. Leave it overnight or for several hours until the paste is soft. Knead it with some trex and a little glycerine until it becomes pliable. x


Hello again

Thanks very much indeed for all your help. I always get left with some flower paste and it seems such a waste to just throw it out. I will try out some of your suggestions. x

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