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asked June 24th 2015

Bailey’s Buttercream

I know Paul uses ganache most of the time as it’s wonderful to work with and tastes amazing but I have a request for Paul’s chocolate cake which I have made time and time again and it never fails with me or the customer! So……this is the first time I have been asked to make a Bailey’s buttercream filling, please can you tell me how much Baileys to add to the buttercream without making it too overpowering but still want a distinct flavour. The cake is going to have Bailey’s drizzled over it too before being filled and crumb coated. This is for the bottom 12″ layer for a wedding cake and I don’t want to get it wrong….hope you can give me any advice….thanks so much. Tracey x


I know Paul uses ganache most of the time as it’s wonderful to work with and tastes amazing but I have a request for Paul’s chocolate cake which I have made time and time again and it never fails with me or the customer! So……this is the first time I have been asked to make a Bailey’s buttercream filling, please can you tell me how much Baileys to add to the buttercream without making it too overpowering but still want a distinct flavour. The cake is going to have Bailey’s drizzled over it too before being filled and crumb coated. This is for the bottom 12″ layer for a wedding cake and I don’t want to get it wrong….hope you can give me any advice….thanks so much. Tracey x


Hi Tracey

There;s a couple of ways of gettng the flavour and the consistency right.
Since it’s a large amount of buttercream that you’re making try a table spoonful at first. Beat it in well, leave it to rest at room temperature then taste it for flavour. I wouldn’t add more than that because the liquid will change the consistency of the buttercream. Since you are also giving the cake a little dribble, between the two there should be sufficinet Bailey’s flavour. Adding additional liquid to buttercream is not the same as you would with ganache which can take a lot more.
Another way is to start with a firmer buttercream and add the liqueure little at a time until you’re happy with the flavour and consistency. The flavour develops so a little at a time is the best way to go.
Hope this helps.

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