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asked March 22nd 2014

Banna cake recipe

Hi – I wondered if someone can confirm which type of flour should be used for the banana cake. The recipe says plain but Mrs Jones stated self raising in her commentary.


Hi – I wondered if someone can confirm which type of flour should be used for the banana cake. The recipe says plain but Mrs Jones stated self raising in her commentary.


Hi Millari, yes it does!! I have sent Paul a message via Fb asking him if he could clarify this for us.


Hi Millari and Susan

I’ve emailed Andy, just waiting for a reply. I have also queried the baking temperature. In the video Mrs Jones says 160c fan oven but in the written instructions it says 160c. Between us we’ve soon have an answer.


Hi Millari, & MIWL,

Just received a reply from Paul, he says that he is sure it is SR flour!


Thank you for your help. Lx

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