Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked March 18th 2013


Hi guys
Can you tell me where I can get a Barbie for the Barbie cake that is of a reasonable price? Thanks


Hi guys
Can you tell me where I can get a Barbie for the Barbie cake that is of a reasonable price? Thanks


Also a quick question does anyone know how much people this cake would feed? Many thanks xx


Poundland sell Barbie-like dolls for £1.00!! whereas Wilkinsons and the like are around £3 – £4 each. As they are wrapped in clingfilm, then I would use the £1.00 shop ones!


Hello Bekacake

The cake is 10 x 8 with very little carving, it’s the same size as the teddy cake which I believe feeds 40, so you should get that, may be a bit more as there’s less scraps. The amount would also depend on how big a piece of cake you want to serve. x


This might help as well http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-decide-on-the-cake-portions x

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