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asked January 20th 2016

Barrel Cake

I need to make a barrel cake out of 2 x 8″ and 1 x 6″ cake. However I am not sure how to carve the cake because the cake will need to laid in it’s side and nor standing upright!
Also if it is laying in its side view would the caje layers remain horizontal?
Thank you.


I need to make a barrel cake out of 2 x 8″ and 1 x 6″ cake. However I am not sure how to carve the cake because the cake will need to laid in it’s side and nor standing upright!
Also if it is laying in its side view would the caje layers remain horizontal?
Thank you.


I need to make a barrel cake out of 2 x 8″ and 1 x 6″ cake. However I am not sure how to carve the cake because the cake will need to laid on it’s side and not standing upright!
Also if it is laying on it’s side how would the cake layers remain horizontal?
Thank you.


Hello Sky Cakes

There’s a couple of ways which this could be done. Have a look at Paul’s Christmas reindeer cake tutorial

Christmas Reindeer

The way Paul had stacked the cakes on the side can be adapted for a laying down barrel. The following link on another web site shows how it would look:
Next way could be to stack an upright cake. Dowel to separate each section. Carve it into a barrel shape keeping one side slightly flatter so that when the cake is laid down it will stay stable. For inspiration try Shawna McGreevy’s barrel cake tutorial here: http://mcgreevycakes.com/8152-2/

Hope the above suggestions help.
Shawn’s tutorial is really good so I hope you can use some of the elements from it.

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