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Basic white sponge suitable for freezing
I tried your chocolate cake recipe and was amazed at how well it froze!
I am looking for a white cake recipe which I can replicate this freezing process with. Ideally I’d like to be able to take the basic recipe and then add stuff e.g lemon zest / vanilla dependant on the requirements.
Can you suggest a recipe that you use for this?
The cake I will be using it for will not have any sort of icing covering and will be a sandwich style cake so I need a recipe that won’t be dry as a result of freezing.
Fingers crossed you can help!
I tried your chocolate cake recipe and was amazed at how well it froze!
I am looking for a white cake recipe which I can replicate this freezing process with. Ideally I’d like to be able to take the basic recipe and then add stuff e.g lemon zest / vanilla dependant on the requirements.
Can you suggest a recipe that you use for this?
The cake I will be using it for will not have any sort of icing covering and will be a sandwich style cake so I need a recipe that won’t be dry as a result of freezing.
Fingers crossed you can help!
Hi tea5303
Unfortunately Paul doesn’t have a white sponge recipe. However, although not a white cake, Mrs Jones has her vanilla cake recipe which is extrememly moist and light. Here is her recipe:
There is no reason why any sponge cake can’t be frozen as long as it contains some fat. Fatless sponge cakes are not recommended for freezing. I can’t recommend a white sponge cake because I bake with eggs and butter which produces a yellow crumb. For white sponge cake you may need to replace all or some of the butter with vegetable shortening. and omit the egg yolks. This may have a negetive affect on the texture of the cake when frozen. Hopefully members who have made this type of cake will be able to advise better.
Hi 5303
I knew there a member recipe on the site, I just could find it when you first posted. Well I found it! here it is:
Better late than never, I hope it helps x