Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked September 20th 2012


Why does my mrs Jones sponge curdle when adding the eggs, I can’t add them any slower, and will it affect the taste.


Why does my mrs Jones sponge curdle when adding the eggs, I can’t add them any slower, and will it affect the taste.


Hi Reube

Cake batter always curdles when lots of eggs are added. Add a heaped tablespoon of flour along with each egg when you see it begin to split and beat well on medium until well mixed. Don’t worry about the curdling just add the remainder of the flour and gently fold in. Your cake will be fine. If you look closely at the baking tutorial you can see Mrs Jones’ batter has a little curdle to it. The worst thing that will happen to your cake is that it may not rise as much very slightly. G’d luck and happy mixing.


Thanks lovely sponge and the cupcakes where great.

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