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asked August 21st 2013

BLUE TONGUES colouring white chocolate ganache

hello i have had an order to make a swimming pool cake and i’m thinking to do the water with white chocolate ganache (coloured blue) however i hate the thought of it turning everybody who eats it BLUE :/ i made a giant tottenham hotspur cupcake and coloured the white chocolate case navy blue and they all reported back to me that their tongues were turned blue .. it just dosnt sound nice and really want to avoid this happening again.. i was thinking of colouring fondant as the pool but i have to put little goats in the pool so was trying to model my cake using the same sort of method as the pigs in mud cake you see on google images the effect of the mud looks so much better (and would be tastier) than fondant.. so am i asking too much? do i want it all ? is there a way around giving everybody blue tongues. ?? xxx


hello i have had an order to make a swimming pool cake and i’m thinking to do the water with white chocolate ganache (coloured blue) however i hate the thought of it turning everybody who eats it BLUE :/ i made a giant tottenham hotspur cupcake and coloured the white chocolate case navy blue and they all reported back to me that their tongues were turned blue .. it just dosnt sound nice and really want to avoid this happening again.. i was thinking of colouring fondant as the pool but i have to put little goats in the pool so was trying to model my cake using the same sort of method as the pigs in mud cake you see on google images the effect of the mud looks so much better (and would be tastier) than fondant.. so am i asking too much? do i want it all ? is there a way around giving everybody blue tongues. ?? xxx


Hi pistolaki

If you colour white ganache blue you’ll probaby get green because white chocolate is kindda yellowish and will not give a true blue. Try it first on a small amount of ganache. If I was doing this cake I would do like the pigs in mud, let the ganache set and paint the water with some blue gel colour and vodka. Add little swirls of white to give movement to the water. This way you’d have better control of the colour, it won’t be totally combined in the ganache so the risk of getting blue tongue will be greatly reduced. Or …… doing it in fondant sounds good too. Make the goats with little half legs and bellies touching the ‘water’ which will make them seem partly submerged. Add blue to piping gel and make small waves, a touch of white on the waves will show movement. Just some ideas to play with, I expect you’ll get loads more so don’t despair. x


thank you xxx i havnt had any experience with piping gel so i think i’ll paint it on with the vodka! xxx


Try the piping gel on some spare fondant, it takes colour very well so just add a little. The piping gel will set and give a watery sheen.. I use it for making water and also for dew drops on flowers, I’m always pleased with the results but it does take a little practice. Good luck with your cake. xx

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