Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked October 8th 2015

Bowling scene cake

Wheres the end of the video paul went to wash his brush because of glitter but didn’t finish end of video man with no arms 🙁 lol


Wheres the end of the video paul went to wash his brush because of glitter but didn’t finish end of video man with no arms 🙁 lol


Hi julietame

Look here for his arms :))

Bowling Scene

It’s just as well he had no arms, if he’d had one arm he would have been the one armed bandit and not bowler! I couldn’t stop laughing at your question.
I think the lessons got a bit muddled up when the site was upgraded. Could you please let me know that it plays for you. x


Lol thanks for getting back so quickly and no sadly bowler with still no arms have a good weekend


You still can’t play the video in the link?? I’ve tried it and it goes ok. It should go straight to Paul making the arms.


Lol I went straight to number 6 on the video thought it was going to be at the end .. So thank you got it now


Happy days!

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