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asked July 31st 2015


Hope someone can offer some advice please. I bought in good faith my BUSSINESS .web site ,name,some stock ,goodwill .and so on .today I have found out the same Pearson has set up with same pics, same layout off web wording and everything
The name is very similar to the one that I have they have just played on words and there in the same area . Can I do anything or what ? I would be great full for any advice x


Hope someone can offer some advice please. I bought in good faith my BUSSINESS .web site ,name,some stock ,goodwill .and so on .today I have found out the same Pearson has set up with same pics, same layout off web wording and everything
The name is very similar to the one that I have they have just played on words and there in the same area . Can I do anything or what ? I would be great full for any advice x


Hello Coll123

I am so sorry to hear you have been treated in this way. I would hesitate to give you advice on this as I am not legally qualified and this is quite a complex legal situation. The best advice I can give you is to see a solicitor specialising in contract law. Most solicitors offer a thirty minute free consulatation which will at least offer you some insight into the options available to you. Please take your contract of sale with you and other relevant documentation. Your local Citizen’s Advice Bureau will be able to help you with a list of legal advisors who practice the thirty minute free service.
I hope this helps, and I wish you all the luck in the world for a positive resolution. xx

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