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asked August 28th 2015

Buttercream before Fondant

Hi – This is my first time tackling a large cake and I’ve done Mrs. Jones 10 inch sponge for my nephew’s christening tomorrow. My question is does your buttercream have to be completely smooth before you put the fondant on? I’ve levelled and smoothed as best I can but it’s still not 100% flat as glass – how do I do that?


Hi – This is my first time tackling a large cake and I’ve done Mrs. Jones 10 inch sponge for my nephew’s christening tomorrow. My question is does your buttercream have to be completely smooth before you put the fondant on? I’ve levelled and smoothed as best I can but it’s still not 100% flat as glass – how do I do that?


Hello Mrsmurphy

If you’d like to try and flatten it down further, have a look at Paul’s tutorial on crumb coating a cake with buttercream here:

Chocolate Buttercream Cornelli

In my own experience buttercream icing does flatten down once the cake is enrobed and smoothed. However it is better to crumbcoat the cake as sharply as possible. Paul’s tutorial will help you achieve the best results.


Thanks a million -I googled and someone suggested to use a hot knife or offset spatula to smooth a bit better so I tried that and it worked a treat. I’m so thrilled – my cake, started this morning is now sitting on the kitchen counter covered with fondant – first time ever. I exhausted!!! but thanks to all the tutorials here it was much easier than I anticipated. Thanks again


Congratulations and well done! a nice exhausted!! hope all turns out good tomorrow.

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