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asked July 12th 2012

cake cracking

why is my chocolate cake cracking? i bought an oven thermometer and my oven is exact. Today i made x2 choc cake’s [Paul’s Receipe] both 8″ round..lovely cakes only one cracked like spaghetti junction….WHY??…the other one is perfect….i love this site its brilliant….thank you so much for the freebie’s…x


why is my chocolate cake cracking? i bought an oven thermometer and my oven is exact. Today i made x2 choc cake’s [Paul’s Receipe] both 8″ round..lovely cakes only one cracked like spaghetti junction….WHY??…the other one is perfect….i love this site its brilliant….thank you so much for the freebie’s…x


If you’ve had the tins side by side there may not have been enough room between the two to allow the air to circulate efficiently. This happens some times if the tins are touching one another. Cakes baked on different shelves can also cause cracking to one, the lower shelf cake will bake at a slightly lower temperature because it is protected from over heating and may not crack while the one on the top shelf is slightly warmer which can cause it to crack. This is only from my own experience.


Thank you for your answer. They were touching right enough, so what should i do next time i make the same amount of mix for 2×8″ cakes? Will the mix wait for 2 hours? Whilst one cook’s as i only have 1 oven!


Hi jennie, I can’t remember whether Paul’s cake has baking powder in it. Normally it is recommended cake batter with b/p shouldn’t stand around since it starts to work straight away and adds carbon dioxide to the mixture and makes the cake rise during baking. However, if you keep the mixture cool it will slow down the action of the b/p and it may bake up ok. I can say that I have done this (not with Paul’s recipe, but very similar) and the cake was fine with the minutest loss in rise. The other thing to do is to bake both cakes together on different shelves and protect the top one from baking too fast by placing a baking sheet on a shelf above that. I hope I’m making sense here. Hope it comes right for you, g’d luck, would be good to know how you get on.


Once again thank you. It will probably be a while before i make another choc cake like this as i make mostly childrens cake’s, but, as soon as i do i will let you know. Again many thanks for taking the time to answer my question. Regard,s Jennie

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