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asked September 16th 2012

Cake Flour

Just wanting to know if a recipe says use cake flour is this Hi Ratio flour?


Just wanting to know if a recipe says use cake flour is this Hi Ratio flour?


A good substitute for Cake flour is plain flour plus cornflour. For every cup of flour, incorporate two TBS cornflour and give it a good sifting.
I don’t follow the above religiously but go by eye more than anything – just so long as final weight of flour is correct.
Makes a nice light cake.


Thanks for this, what about Pastry Flour? is this hi Ratio?


Hi Clare

Wondering whether you are following an American recipe. The equivalent to cake flour in the UK is super fine or 00 grade. It can be bought in most super markets and is available as plain or self raising. I think pastry flour is just plain flour, that’s all I use and my pastry turns out just fine.

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