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asked May 1st 2014

Cake ideas

Hi, I have been asked to make a half birthday, half retirement cake. This will be my first ever “paid for cake” eek!! I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of where to look for ideas to combine the two. I would be extremely grateful for any help offered. Many thanks


Hi, I have been asked to make a half birthday, half retirement cake. This will be my first ever “paid for cake” eek!! I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of where to look for ideas to combine the two. I would be extremely grateful for any help offered. Many thanks


Hi Dmooro71

How about a two tier cake, one depicting something for the birthday and the other for the retirement?
Perhaps the top cake could be the birthday cake and the base cake the retirement. Or how about interlocking teardrop shaped cakes showing scenes and interests of the person’s life?
If you google ‘joint birthday and retirment cake ideas’ I’m sure you’ll get lots of inspiration. I’ve had a quick look through and saw a cake in the shape of a cruise liner. Also if you have something specific in mind google for tutorials for the idea. eg ‘ how to make ( your specific idea) cake’ or ‘tutorial for …… cake’
You didn’t say what sort of ideas you had in mind or whether the birthday person is male/female. What is the job they are retiring from and what hobbies or things they enjoy. Please post again if you need more help as I’m sure members will have lots of ideas to play with.


Hi madeitwithlove, thank you so much for your quick response. The lady in question has now decided she wants just one tier with no writing at all so makes life a lot easier! Thank you so much for your help, as in previous comments I also do not know where you find the time to bake anything with all the advice you give to people, but it certainly is invaluable x


You’re welcome Dmooro71. First paid jobs can be so stressful but it does get easier. Glad I don’t have to do them anymore, bad enough when it’s just a hobby! x

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