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asked October 10th 2015

Cake ingredients

Hi can anyone tell me how I adapt my ingredients for different sized cake tins.


Hi can anyone tell me how I adapt my ingredients for different sized cake tins.


Hi Cheryl41

Recipes can be scaled up or down here by using either my ready reckoner or the cakometer tools here:

What Size cake tin to use

Both tools are accurate and easy to use. Hope this helps.


Hi thank you so much but the link isnt working


Hi Cherly

You have to highlight the link by putting your cursor at the beginning of the link and hold your finger down on the left side and run the cursor along the text to the end of the link and no more. The link will turn a different colour. Then right click and choose ‘open link’ from the menu which appears to the right.
Please let me know if this makes sense. If you still can’t open it
click on blog tab at the bottom of this page and search in blog
‘what size tin to use.’ Double click on the magnifying glass and it will take you to the the blog where you can see the convertors.

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