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asked June 19th 2015

Cake question – does Mrs Jones have a recipe for lemon cake

Cake question – does Mrs Jones have a recipe for lemon cake

I have made a 10inch round lemon cake using Mich Turner’s recipe. It’s turned out ok ish, but because it is a big deep cake it took more than two hours to bake and as a result, the crust is very hard. I know I can trim this off but I was wondering if I would get a better result if I split the mixture between two tins. Also does Mrs Jones have a recipe for lemon cake that would give me a good result. The cake is to be a cutting cake to be served alongside, but not part of, a four tier fruit cake. Thankyou for any help you might be able to give me.


Cake question – does Mrs Jones have a recipe for lemon cake

I have made a 10inch round lemon cake using Mich Turner’s recipe. It’s turned out ok ish, but because it is a big deep cake it took more than two hours to bake and as a result, the crust is very hard. I know I can trim this off but I was wondering if I would get a better result if I split the mixture between two tins. Also does Mrs Jones have a recipe for lemon cake that would give me a good result. The cake is to be a cutting cake to be served alongside, but not part of, a four tier fruit cake. Thankyou for any help you might be able to give me.


Hello Kmmein

I always bake Jane Hornby’s zingy lemon cake. Lots of other members have also baked it and have given great feed back.
I haven’t tried Mitch Turner’s lemon cake recipe, however the following thread might be of interest to you as it does discuss the recipe plus it contains the link for Jane Hornby’s zingy lemon cake.
I find I get better results dividing a large mixture between two tins. In particular if it is a victoria sponge type recipe which can collapse when baked as one deep cake.

Mrs Jones doesn’t have a lemon cake recipe. I should think her deep vanilla sponge recipe could easily be converted by adding zest of a lemon and a teaspoon of a very good lemon extract like the Nielsen Massey brand, available in most supermarkets or online. If you prefer a very lemony cake, the juice of one lemon could also be added or just increase the extract by another half a teaspoon. Nielsen Massey brand is extremely strong so please take care with the amounts.

Mrs Jones recommends that in her deep vanilla cake recipe, the flour only, should be increased by between 10 – 20%. This is to allow the cake to have a better structure if it is to be stacked. Since your cake is a cutting cake the recipe could be used as written.
Here is Mrs Jones’ vanilla cake recipe:

I’m sure other members will have favourite recipes which they’ll share.


Thank you so much for this. I have one more question. IfI use Mrs Jones recipe without the extra flour will the cake structure take the weight of chocolate ganache and fondant. I have to tell you, this website is a godsend for anxious cake decorators! Keep up the good work.


Yes it should be fine, take a look at Jackie’s fabulous feed back here:

Jackie didn’t change the recipe. Hope this helps, if you have any anxieties just post again. x


Once again, thankyou for your help

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