Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked February 9th 2020

Cake Recipe Re-Calculator

The Cake Recipe Calculator is brilliant, you select a recipe and it automatically calculates the ingredients for the desired cake sizes. However, would it be possible for this to also show:
1. The Baking Time.
2. The Oven Temperature.
3. The Method to make the cake.
All this would make things so much easier especially when we pre-selected a recipe from Cake Flix.

Thank you.


The Cake Recipe Calculator is brilliant, you select a recipe and it automatically calculates the ingredients for the desired cake sizes. However, would it be possible for this to also show:
1. The Baking Time.
2. The Oven Temperature.
3. The Method to make the cake.
All this would make things so much easier especially when we pre-selected a recipe from Cake Flix.

Thank you.


Thanks for your feedback. To provide baking times and temperatures for the different sizes of cakes would require each recipe to be baked at each of the different sizes, which unfortunately wouldn’t be time effective.

The rule when changing recipe baking times and temperatures is to bake deeper or larger cakes for longer at a lower temperature. Ovens do vary hugely, which does alter bake times and the quality of the bake so it’s always worth a test bake to get a feel for what temperatures work best for your oven. Here’s a guide that may help…

We have started to write up a method for recipes so will ensure that the method appears on all future baking tutorials. Kind regards, David


Thank you.

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