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asked March 26th 2015

cake recipes

please could someone give me some advise on changing cake sizes, I need to bake a 10″ square cake. Would the cake-o-meter on this web sit work with all types of sponges?

Im new to cake decorating.



Oh how lovely Jo! I made him first time with Paul’s chocolate cake recipe, subsequently with madeira cake. Both cake types turned out really, really well. If you put ‘teddy bear cake’ in the search box there are lots of comments from members which you might find useful. Every little helps. Hope all goes well, happy baking and decorating. x


Hi Josie1977

Either the ready recknor or the cakeometre can be used to scale up your sponge recipe. The only difference is that the cakeometre will scale up the depth if you want a deep cake, whereas the ready recknor is designed to scale up for a standard 3″ tall cake. It’s up to you which tool you use.
Hope this helps.


Thank you, this will help. Im planning to make Pauls teddy bear cake.


Thank you again. I will look. Im making it for my daughters 3rd birthday.

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