Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked January 26th 2018

Cake Studio

Hello, I’ve recently changed career to set up my Cake business and my husband has built me a Cake studio on the side of our house.
We are almost to the kitchen design stage and I was hoping that some of you who had done similar or opened cake shops would mind offering me an insight with regards to good design or mistakes to avoid.
The main things I’m struggling with are worktop/tabletop materials and also heating (underfloor or air conditioning units etc). Our budget is quite reasonable but obviously I want to make wise choices.
Thank you for any help or advice you can give me xxxx


Hello, I’ve recently changed career to set up my Cake business and my husband has built me a Cake studio on the side of our house.
We are almost to the kitchen design stage and I was hoping that some of you who had done similar or opened cake shops would mind offering me an insight with regards to good design or mistakes to avoid.
The main things I’m struggling with are worktop/tabletop materials and also heating (underfloor or air conditioning units etc). Our budget is quite reasonable but obviously I want to make wise choices.
Thank you for any help or advice you can give me xxxx


Hi Natasha,
How exciting t have a new studio wow…..!
The first thing that comes to mind are the sinks, make sure you have 2 large basins next to each other if you have space a small wash hand sink at the main door.
Think of the flow of your kitchen, from delivery of ingredients then the cakes being made to the cakes being boxed. It’s good to have a nice flow around the studio.
Stainless steel or stone style worktops are the best, however, at the moment I’m using a cheaper worktop and it’s working ok.
An island for making your cakes is perfect, make sure you have space for your legs under the table also having a little shelf or area for your laptop or ipad type device to keep it away from splashes…..!
Also, the floor, don’t go to light as the mess will drive you crazy……
Lighting; don’t be tempted to go for light spotlights as they give really bad shadows try to have daylight strip lights, not nice to look at but make a massive difference . Good luck Px


Hi Paul, thank you for such great advice. The tip about the spotlight shadows is very useful. I keep reading about stainless steel but because there are so many new types of worktop on the market I was beginning to get a little overwhelmed.
Yes, I’m so excited. People have been encouraging me for the last 6 years to leave teaching and market my cakes instead and I’m finally setting up. Thank you so much for this website too. I’m learning a lot and really enjoying my membership.
Thanks again

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