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asked September 8th 2013

Can’t see the library

Hello. I have viewed all of your free courses, and have loved watching them. I want to take a look at what cakes are in your library, to see if I want to get a membership. Every time I go to view the library, it kicks me off the site. Is it possible to see pics of cakes that are in your library or do I have to become a member first?


Hello. I have viewed all of your free courses, and have loved watching them. I want to take a look at what cakes are in your library, to see if I want to get a membership. Every time I go to view the library, it kicks me off the site. Is it possible to see pics of cakes that are in your library or do I have to become a member first?


I tried without logging in. If you go to online courses then all courses you should see pics of all the tutorials


Unfortunately I am still getting kicked off the site. I went to: online courses/ all courses and that’s when I get kicked off the site. I’ve tried to do it both when I’m logged in, and also logged out, neither way is letting me see pics of the library. ( I have had no problem with the free tutorials)


I have the same problem. Andy is working on it but recommends changing to google chrome or you can use this alternative link:


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