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asked September 13th 2015

Car cake

I would like to do a car cake( an escort mk3 cake) which tutorial should I follow ? The car is not convertible and I am worried about that.


I would like to do a car cake( an escort mk3 cake) which tutorial should I follow ? The car is not convertible and I am worried about that.


Hello Rexy

Have a look at Paul’s VW Beetle car cake for guidance. From the instructions in that tutorial you can, in effect, make any car convertrible or non convertible.

VW Beetle

Paul’s car cake is a convertible. All you need to do is follow his advice about googling for templates and how to carve the shape of your chosen vehicle.

To see other car cakes online and in youtube take a look here for guidance:

Hope you find a tutorial which suits you.


Hello thanks for the messages!!
Shall I do a round cake and cut the sides to make them the top part of the cake or a rectangular cake?


Make whatever shape you find easiest to work with. I find a square or rectangular cake easier for stacking and carving shapes. It’s entirly up to you.


Hello thanks again… And do you think Madeira cake is good for carving? Or you suggest something else?


Absolutely!! and it has the best shelf life. From baking to eating approximately two weeks.


Thanks again:))

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