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Centre Dowel
Hi, I am making a 12/10/8/6 inch cake and was wondering if I should put a centre dowel in? I am only stacking the first 2 for the car ride and adding the other two at the venue. Someone else will be lifting the cake onto the wedding table. Its for a friend. I think it should be ok, am I correct? I have noticed Paul does not use centre Dowels. Thanks
Hi, I am making a 12/10/8/6 inch cake and was wondering if I should put a centre dowel in? I am only stacking the first 2 for the car ride and adding the other two at the venue. Someone else will be lifting the cake onto the wedding table. Its for a friend. I think it should be ok, am I correct? I have noticed Paul does not use centre Dowels. Thanks
HI marylou
It’s ok not to use a centre dowel when partially stacking as long as the cakes are well secured with either ganache or royal icing. There’s lots of discussion on stacking and transporting cakes in the following links:
A little more information, an answer I gave the other day about inexpensive stacking systems and non slip mats here:
It’s always good to read what other members are saying. If you need more information, post again. Hope all goes well, good luck!