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asked July 17th 2012

Chocolate Buttercream

I am in need of some help with Paul’s chocolate buttercream recipe. I make it (I think) exactly like he makes it in the online video – whip butter, add icing sugar and then add melted, but cooled chocolate. However when I do this it turns into a big congealed ball and is not usable.

What am I doing wrong?? Should I kep beating and hope it comes together (even though I do not think it looks like it will).

I appreciate your advice.



I am in need of some help with Paul’s chocolate buttercream recipe. I make it (I think) exactly like he makes it in the online video – whip butter, add icing sugar and then add melted, but cooled chocolate. However when I do this it turns into a big congealed ball and is not usable.

What am I doing wrong?? Should I kep beating and hope it comes together (even though I do not think it looks like it will).

I appreciate your advice.




I find the type of chocolate can have a bad effect check you are useing a high coco content, also if the chocolate has not cooled enough it will mix badly try to let it sit alittle longer until it starts stetting again then give it a good mix to soften it enought to be able to mix then try.

I hope this helps for you.



Hi , if your butter is not at room temp this could also have a similar affect. Make sure your butter has been warmed up a little before mixing. In the tutorial I use a low coco Choclate  so this shouldn’t make much difference.

The other could be your leaving the Choclate to long to cool……..

Good luck Px


Hi Julie, I have had problems with melting chocolate, thinking it hadn’t melted properly yet when in fact I’ve burnt it and it goes thick and crumbly!


Hi I just need the quantity of ingredients as I can’t find the recipe on line if anyone can help


Hello Sandrabirtwistle

The galaxy buttercream tutorial used to be in the blog section which appears to have been temporarily/permenalty lost due to the new site launche. However it can still be still be seen with ingredients in youtube Search in youtube: Paul Bradford chocolate buttercream.

Hope this helps.

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