Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked January 7th 2016

chocolate cake cooling

Hi just made Paul’s cake which smells gorgeous !! is it better to let it cool in the tin or take it out ? Only just signed up to courses and been inspired to try paul’s designer handbag cake for a friends birthday. Love all the tutorials and Paul’s very down to earth approach, its nice to know even the professionals make mistakes !
and being able to see how to fix them.


Hi just made Paul’s cake which smells gorgeous !! is it better to let it cool in the tin or take it out ? Only just signed up to courses and been inspired to try paul’s designer handbag cake for a friends birthday. Love all the tutorials and Paul’s very down to earth approach, its nice to know even the professionals make mistakes !
and being able to see how to fix them.


Hi bakingqueen54

Welcome to the site! Paul, as you’ve discovered is a great tutor. He’s never afraid to learn with us too, which, in my humble opinion makes him such a stand out person.
Paul’s gorgeous moist chocolate cake is best left in the tin before unmoulding. It’s quite delicate while warm but cools down to a sturdy little number! Carve it from frozen of partially frozen to reduce crumbs.
Good luck with your handbag project and don’t forget to share pics on Paul’s facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/PaulBradfordSugarcraftSchool/

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