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asked June 29th 2013

Chocolate cake problem

Hi everybody. I would really appreciate if somebody could tell me where I’m going wrong. I have used the same chocolate cake recipe for years and never ever had a problem. It tastes fab and is lovely and moist yet firm to work with. However the last 2 months or so, once the cake is out of the oven it shrinks. Within 2 mins of being out my lovely 2/3/4″ cake is an inch high if I’m lucky. I have an oven thermometer and use good quality ingredients. I’ve tested by rising agent and use the same method for mixing the batter as I always have. Please help!?!!x


Hi everybody. I would really appreciate if somebody could tell me where I’m going wrong. I have used the same chocolate cake recipe for years and never ever had a problem. It tastes fab and is lovely and moist yet firm to work with. However the last 2 months or so, once the cake is out of the oven it shrinks. Within 2 mins of being out my lovely 2/3/4″ cake is an inch high if I’m lucky. I have an oven thermometer and use good quality ingredients. I’ve tested by rising agent and use the same method for mixing the batter as I always have. Please help!?!!x


Maybe you’re taking it out of the oven too soon

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