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asked June 9th 2018

Chocolate Cake Recipe Used baking powder accidentally

I have rather stupidly used baking powder instead of bicarbonate of soda. Will this affect the end result?


I have rather stupidly used baking powder instead of bicarbonate of soda. Will this affect the end result?


Hi lubnadouglas

Apologies for this late reply. I expect you’ve gone ahead and baked your cake! I shouldn’t think using baking powder instead of soda will make that much diference to your cake. The baking soda is used to help as an extra rising agent and to neutralise the acid in the cocoa powder. However, baking powder also contains soda and other rising agents which will the rise. Please let me know which recipe you have used and whether the results was ok.


Thank you. Yes I baked it but unfortunately it was no good. It didn’t rise as normal and had very deep cracks all over. My second batch using bicarbonate of soda worked perfectly. It’s is Paul’s chocolate cake recipe which I have used numerous times and is always perfect and moist. Thank you for getting back to me

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