Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked June 20th 2015

Chocolate collar

Hi I’m making a chocolate cake next week and am taking it about an hour in the car .If it is kept cool and properly packages in a box will it survive the journey.Heading to Glasgow with it so all main roads/ motorways so hopefully not too many bumps or corners on the way !


Hi I’m making a chocolate cake next week and am taking it about an hour in the car .If it is kept cool and properly packages in a box will it survive the journey.Heading to Glasgow with it so all main roads/ motorways so hopefully not too many bumps or corners on the way !


Hello Woodysmum

You’re making a chocolate collar? It will survive but if you can temper the chocolate it will be stronger and less likely to melt if the journey gets a little warm. The decorations on my chocolate Medusa cake here: http://www.cakeflix.com/how-to-ganache-cakes-without-gnashing-your-teeth/
were all made from tempered chocolate. In answer to one of the comments under the picture I’ve said how the decorations were made. The cake travelled for over an hour on the back seat of my car on a hot May day stuck in traffic. It’s not a good idea to put cakes on seats because the cake can slide!! ideal place is the boot of the car with the box sitting on a non slip rubber mat.

Hope this helps.

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