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asked June 29th 2012

How long can Chocolate Ganache keep in a fridge?

How long can Chocolate Ganache keep in a fridge?

Can you tell methrow long you can keep Ganache for in the fridge,and how long you can freeze it for.Thanks


How long can Chocolate Ganache keep in a fridge?

Can you tell methrow long you can keep Ganache for in the fridge,and how long you can freeze it for.Thanks


Not sure if you can freeze it, i do know once its made and cooled, placed in a bowl and covered with a plastic bag/cling film/plastic wrap, that it will last in the fridge 2/3 months, only take out how much you need for the cake you are doing, ……


i find frozen ganache goes grainy so wouldnt recommend it, it will keep in the fridge up to the best before date on the cream. if you dont cover it it forms a dark crust and looks the worst


You can freeze it up to 3 months I think. It depends I suppose if you use fresh cream or longer life




I’ve frozen it and it’s been fine x

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