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asked December 3rd 2012

Chocolate hater – will she notice ganache?

My daughter hates chocolate with a passion but on occasion has ‘suffered’ white chocolate…does the white chocolate ganache really taste like chocolate? As you can tell, I’ve never made or knowingly tried it!

Should I stick to buttercream or is it a subtle taste that she won’t notice?

Thanks a lot – Joe


My daughter hates chocolate with a passion but on occasion has ‘suffered’ white chocolate…does the white chocolate ganache really taste like chocolate? As you can tell, I’ve never made or knowingly tried it!

Should I stick to buttercream or is it a subtle taste that she won’t notice?

Thanks a lot – Joe


Hi JoeB

You really do have a problem but, you should be fine with white chocolate which tastes a bit like butter cream except it sets quite hard. You can either flavour it with some vanilla, try and get the clear one which is an essence rather than the extract which will slightly colour the white chocolate. If not vanilla, any flavour which is fairly clear. White chocolate doesn’t set as hard as dark so it is necessary to use more chocolate to cream.
If you put in the search box ‘Making white chocolate ganache’ for a couple of ways to make it. Be careful with white chocolate as it spoils easily if over heated.

For white chocolate butter cream, basic recipe:

100g grated white choc melted in a bowl over a simmering saucepan of water making sure the bowl does not touch the water.
140g soft unsalted butter, 70g sifted icing sugar.
Beat butter and icing sugar together until fluffy then add melted chocolate and whisk until blended.

Might be best not to let your daughter see the chocolate when making, and perhaps a few cupcakes to begin with as a trail??? Good luck with it.

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