Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked August 9th 2015

Coaster for rocket cake

I just sent in a question about the infinity tunnel flashing coaster in the rocket cake to find out where to get one , you guys replied that question asked before, had a look at the answers you put up and there was nothing there about the coaster


I just sent in a question about the infinity tunnel flashing coaster in the rocket cake to find out where to get one , you guys replied that question asked before, had a look at the answers you put up and there was nothing there about the coaster


Hi madeitwithlove,
I had the same problem as moirag2610. I couldnt find them on the links she gave either, and those that i did find in america wanted the earth to ship to the uk.. So I went searching on ebay..The coasters i have bought are very similar to what is shown in the video by that lady..if not better to be honest..i just thought at the time looking at the video that to me they looked more like coasters with led lighting inside them ,..lol.. On the coasters i have bought there is a tiny button which has to be pushed down with a filled glass or mug of tea or a heavy object.. it needs the weight to make the tiny button underneath work. Hope that makes sense. I went for a good search on our ebay and found the chap who sold them ( greatvaluefastservice) , i mis-spelt the name earlier….and duly bought them and a lot cheaper,they are fab, just what i need. I’m just figuring out what to use to keep the tiny button down to keep them on while it’s tucked inside the cake..lol.. Some of the coasters you can buy dont light up around the sides just the middle, but these do! My grandson will love me more when i wheel in his rocket ship all flashing at his birthday party on saturday! ( hes 5 ) lol.. I will send you a picture when its all done ! Hope this helps you and other people.. oh, just to add that it was free shipping as well, wether it was to do with my post-code i dont know, but tell moraig2610 it might do the same for her.. x


Hi Moira

The coasters can be bought online, here are a few suppliers:

Please could you direct me to the question you sent in and the reply you received which said this question had been asked before.


Hi have spent most of the afternoon trying to track down the infinity tunnel flashing coaster that is used on the rocket with no joy of tracking any, I have tried the links that is on the lesson for the rocket cake but they will not ship to the UK
Any suggestions
This is the question that was answered by the question has been answered


Oh! this was not posted in Q & A?? I’m sorry I was looking for your question in Q & A and could find it. This is something different.
You will see Mayen’s instructions that in the UK we are to search for LED coasters. They can be seen in the link which I set above. The ordinary LED coasters will flash in a similar way and still give an impressive effect. I guess you could use an infinity tunnel pendant instead. The pendants are approximately the same size as the coasters and they can be bought in the UK. Just google to see them. It’s possible some toy shops and fancy dress shops will have similar products. Also search in google ‘rave toys’. These are a few suggestions which I hope will help.


Just thought i would pop in and say that i ordered from a chap on ebay, in the uk. his name to look for is greatvaluefastsevice. That is where i got my LED coasters from. Had them the next day.
Hope this helps people on here.



Hi Julia

Thank you so much for your input. Can I ask please, are the coasters which you have purchased the infinity tunnel type that moraig2610 is asking for? There is a difference apparently. As you can see I have set links for flashing coasters but non of them say they are the type used in the rocket cake tutorial. It appears the infinity type coasters are not available in the UK or at least I haven’t been able to source them.


Julia thank you so much again. All this information from you will be so helpful to anyone else searching for these things. Tracking down some of the equipment or ingredients used by guest tutors can sometimes be a challenge so it’s great when members help out with alternatives or with suppliers. I’m sure Moira will find your assistance most helpful.
As for holding down the little button, how about using cellotape to hold it down? I had little tiny battery operated lights for the carousel cake with similar button which I held down with the tape.
I hope your little grandson has a wonderful birthday, he’s a lucky little fellow for having a very clever Nana! xx


Hi Madeitwithlove, aw I’m glad i was able to help in some way. Thanks for the suggestion of using cellotape, hadn’t thought of that! i will give it a go today. If anybody is looking at this I just wanted to say that I will be putting a piece of fondant to cover the side where the tape is going on the coaster , and on top of it, keeping it food safe as it will be sitting inside the cake. I dont think they will cut it or eat it as im making a 14″ hexagon cake as well to go with it, but just incase somebody wants to see how i put in the lights, and I have to dismantle it, they will see it was professionally put together! lol.. Ben’s favourite childrens program at the moment is the Disney’s ‘ miles fromtomorrowland’ so it’s going to be a fab cake! Oh and thank you for the compliment! xx


Julia, Paul loves to see pictures of tutorial inspired cakes on his facebook:
and also on his google+ community:
I am sure he will be delighted if you post pictures of your rocket cake for everyone to see. Good luck for Saturday and thank you again for your input. x


Thank you telia for your input too, it’s much appreciated! And your cake’s a big Wow!

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