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asked April 15th 2015

Colouring icing

I would be grateful if anyone could provide me with details of the colours of sugar paste I should use to get a colour near to the flower grape hyacinth. it’s not a blue or a purple colour somewhere in between.
many thanks


I would be grateful if anyone could provide me with details of the colours of sugar paste I should use to get a colour near to the flower grape hyacinth. it’s not a blue or a purple colour somewhere in between.
many thanks


Hi Canada1

Mixing the right colour combination is a case of experimenting. Different brands of fondant colours will not necessarily give the same results. Here is a colour mixing guide which may help:

Grape hyacinth varies so much in colour, from true blues, lavender, pinks, purples and whites. It’s possible you may have to mix the colour up yourself of perhaps find a colour which best represents what you have in mind. Hopefully other members will be able to advise better. Good luck with mixing and experimenting.

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