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asked February 22nd 2013

Colouring lots of sugarpaste

This may seem really silly but I have to colour a lot of sugarpaste to ice a golf cake next week and I’m already slightly worried about it.

Should I buy 2 x 1kg of white and then dye it with green gel, although I’m worried that I’ll have needed to train in the gym for hours beforehand…or would you suggest buying 4 x 500g Regalice pre coloured?

Just can’t imagine I’ll have the strength to colour it from white but not sure which is recommended!

Also, I’m only guessing I’ll need 2kg sugarpaste..it will be 2 x 10 x 10 square stacked cakes, carved…any advice other than give up? 🙂


I would start with a 50/50 mix of white and the regal ice green colour of your choice. I would use a lighter one and take it from there. You can always add colour to make it darker. I would also colour some buttercream green so that can pipe grass around/ on the cake x


Hi Joe, do you mean the cakes will be stacked, carved and then covered as one, in which case I would have thought 2kg will be enough. I would colour white sugarpaste because it will be much cheaper! Split it into four and colour each separately then knead them together, it will be softened by then and easier to work with. Also, you don’t have to do it all at once as long as you keep what’s already been coloured in a sealed bag!


Hi Joe, I colour by using the white as you suggest and then add 1 packet of regal colour ice and then a little food paste- the regal ice means that you wont need to do a work out to mix it and it will give you a better colour finish than the paste alone and wont break the bank.
hopw this helps
sharon x


Good idea about the buttercream, wouldn’t have thought of that! I have watched Paul roll out the icing for his golf cake, have a funny feeling mine isn’t going to go quite as smoothly as his! Tomorrow is the big day!

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