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asked June 15th 2013

Colouring Sugar paste

Hi can you help ?I need to cover a 3 tier cake in a beige coloured sugar paste should I buy ready coloured or colour it myself if I do how best do I get it all looking the same shade thanks Chris


Hi can you help ?I need to cover a 3 tier cake in a beige coloured sugar paste should I buy ready coloured or colour it myself if I do how best do I get it all looking the same shade thanks Chris


I made my own three tier wedding cake a couple of months ago and coloured all the fondant ivory myself. It really didn’t take that long. Here’s how I made sure it was all the same colour. First take 500g of fondant and colour it much darker than you want the finished paste to be. Take 1kg of white fondant and add bits of the dark icing until you achieve the colour you need. Weight it. Now you know how much dark coloured fondant you added by subtracting 1kg. This is the quantity of your coloured fondant you need to add to each kg of white. The main thing is to weigh accurately on digital scales , even new packets I found to be slightly over their stated weights. I find colouring fondant quite therapeutic and it saves a lot of money, but I do it for a hobby. Professionally obviously, time is money! The only other thing I would say is I don’t suppose this method would work for achieving dark shades.


Hi Chris
If you buy it ready coloured it will work out more expensive- i did this for a purple cake last week . If you colour it yourself you will need to colour enough to make all three tiers so that they all match. The amount of fondant will depend on the size of your tiers.


I would buy ready coloured ,for the time and effort and the amount of fondant required it,s not worth the bother

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