Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked November 10th 2012

Cone Dummy

Hi Can anyone tell me please where I can buy the cone for the top of the chocolate wrap cake. I live in Ireland if there is anyone over here or where in England. Thank you.


Hi Can anyone tell me please where I can buy the cone for the top of the chocolate wrap cake. I live in Ireland if there is anyone over here or where in England. Thank you.


Dummys direct, your better off calling than emailing them if you need it soon- lovely husband and wife who run it and will get it out to you pretty quick. Im sure theyll post to Ireland too.


Hi Aileen, I attended the chocolate wrap course that Paul ran here in Aberdeen a couple of months ago and we made the cone from a cake box lid. It was just like making a paper piping bag. Cut a triangle and fold the corners round on themselves to form a cone and tape it shut. Then cut a circle with four tabs on it and place that on the bottom of the cone, fold the tabs up and secure with selotape. Use ganache to fix that to the cake before covering it all in ganache. Does that make sense? You’d get better instructions on how to make a piping bag from most cake decorating books if mine doesn’t make sense. Good luck!
ps if you really want to use a dummy instead try dummies direct http://www.dummiesdirect.co.uk/ they make the dummies so are the cheapest supplier.

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