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asked April 18th 2013

cornflour or not ?

hi, just looked at the receipes for vanilla cupcakes and vanilla cake . Does anyone know why cornflour is firstly used at all in the cupcakes and also why it would’nt be used in the actual large cake receipe ?


hi, just looked at the receipes for vanilla cupcakes and vanilla cake . Does anyone know why cornflour is firstly used at all in the cupcakes and also why it would’nt be used in the actual large cake receipe ?


Cornflour doesn’t have to be used in the cupcake recipe, by omitting it the cupcakes won’t be quite as fuffly. The weight of the cornflour can just be replaced with regular flour. The bigger cake doesn’t have it because it doesn’t need to be fluffy like the cupcakes.


I made these cupcakes a while back and I did find its strange putting in cornflour but have to say they were delicious.
Go on give them a try…..you know you want too.


thanks guys making today 🙂 will let you know how it goes ! lol yes I want too !


mmmm ! yes hey were lovely with the cornflour what a difference ! thank you

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