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asked July 7th 2015

covering a cake board

Hi I was wondering how much fondant to use on different size cake boards, i need to cover 12 inch round and square. Thanks Marylou


Hi I was wondering how much fondant to use on different size cake boards, i need to cover 12 inch round and square. Thanks Marylou


Hi marylou

The amount you need really depends on the method you use to ice your cake board. I don’t like wasting sugarpaste so I use Paul’s up and over method which he uses in the traditional Christmas cake tutorial. If you want to ice the boards completely, 750g should be more than enough for both boards. It’s best to ice complete boards at least one week prior to requirement to ensure thorough drying.
To see Paul’s up and over method take a peek at icing the board in this tutorial:
Another way to save paste is to ice the board and then remove the centre by cutting around a board one size smaller. In many of the tutorials you’ll also see Paul rolling out long strips of paste which he uses to cover the parts of the board showing. This is the bandage method.
The thickness paste is rolled out will also make a difference to the amount used. I roll out to a quarter of an inch thickness. I feel this is enough to give a lovely professional finish with a neat edge to show off the ribbon against.
Hope this helps.

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