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asked August 24th 2015

covering a number 1 cake in sugarpaste

Hello, I wonder if anyone can give me any tips on how to cover a number 1 cake? I haven’t covered any shaped cakes before and am not sure how I would get around the inner corners. Thank you x


Hello, I wonder if anyone can give me any tips on how to cover a number 1 cake? I haven’t covered any shaped cakes before and am not sure how I would get around the inner corners. Thank you x


Massa Ticino fondant. Doesn’t tear or elephant skin. You can roll it really thin. Should be able to cover in one go, just keep lifting and working out the pleats and gently easing into the corners. Depends of course on how big/fat your number one is. The fondant is a joy to use. Other members may have their favourites.


Thank you AnnieLaurie will have a look at that. I haven’t used it before. Much appreciated.


I source mine from thecakedecoratingcompany. Their postage charge is the best at £2.50 and their prices are keen stating they will refund any difference. Hope it goes well for the 1 year old celebrations!


Hi mrsymo

Take a peek here for other answers, there are several:
And also search in google or youtube for ‘how to cover a Number 1 cake with fondant’. You get some good visual aids.


Thank you again madeitwithlove! I am on it now! 🙂 x


If you have any problems just post again! 🙂 x

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