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asked January 21st 2013

Cup Cake Carriers

Hi there, I’m about to find out if I’ve won an order for 200 cup cakes…my question is how on earth do I transport that many in my car!

I’ve looked at plastic cup cake carriers that cost £30 each so they are not an option…or cardboard cup cake boxes which carry 24, which in total would cost £14.40, so a good price, but 9 in my boot, they will have to sit on top of each other.

Is there a simple solution that I’m missing?

Thanks for any advice you can give me!


Hi there, I’m about to find out if I’ve won an order for 200 cup cakes…my question is how on earth do I transport that many in my car!

I’ve looked at plastic cup cake carriers that cost £30 each so they are not an option…or cardboard cup cake boxes which carry 24, which in total would cost £14.40, so a good price, but 9 in my boot, they will have to sit on top of each other.

Is there a simple solution that I’m missing?

Thanks for any advice you can give me!


Hi Joe B

I think the banana box idea from MIWL is a good one. However I was watching a person refill the shelves in Asda with cartons of cream. Each carton came in a clear plastic holder that will just be thrown away by the supermarket (4 or 6 to each one) I thought these would be great for transporting cakes if you stuck them with icing or glue gun to the banana box and placed a cupcake in each one. Hope this gives you some inspiration. Good luck with the order.


Hi JoeB

Cupcake carriers are the ultimate solution for safe transportation, I agree they are expensive, however a good investment if you intend making large cupcake quantities in the future and of course look professional. I bought mine for show price of £24.00 at the Cake show in London, each carries 24 on a double decker system. The boxes snap on top of each other so make a good compact solution. An inexpensive temporary solution would be to get several flat cardboard boxes (similar to banana boxes from supermarket, some boxes are stackable) and stick each cupcake to the box using a little ganache. That would stop them from moving about. Cover each box with cling film to protect the cakes. I’m sure you’ll get other ideas.


Brilliant idea Gracecay, I did think of that originally but thought it may be a bit fiddly so didn’t suggest. Some of the individual plastic yogurt carriers come in 12s and deep enough to drop a CC into to. Hope more ideas will come. x


Hello JoeB.
I was in Asda on friday and they are selling cupcake carriers, they are plastic have domed lid and the carry handles, they only hold 12, but at £4.99 i thought was very reasonable, i know they wont be the same as the cupcake carriers that hold 24 or 36 ,also i went to my local co-op and asked for one of the large bread delivery baskets,lined with greaseproof paper and gently placed cupcakes till it was filled and covered with cling film like madeitwithlove said above,they didnt move i had 2 in the boot and 2on the back seat and they all behaved.. hope this helps


These ideas are great. Never occured to me to check out the supermarkets, I know the yoghurt holders for Muller Light are probably exactly what I need. I do want to invest in the plastic cup cake carrier that holds 36 but didn’t want to get five of them at this point as I’m only just starting out, so I think I’ll go for one professional carrier and then try the supermarkets for the rest, or cup cake boxes which is a cheaper option and will look more professional as I have to take them to the client and they are going to display them themselves.

I’m definitely going to try the bread delivery baskets if they are happy to give them away!


Hi Joeb

Don’t know whether you managed a solution for carrying your cupcakes, just thought I’d let you know http://www.thecakedecoratingcompany.co.uk/ has a 33% discount sale on and their 36 cupcake carriers are £23.99 at the moment.

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