Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked June 16th 2015

Customer query

Hi all
I have just had a query from a customer who wanted a 14inch sq cake with a 10 inch on top. Biggest tier was to be chocolate and they also wanted 8 modelled elephants and a name spelt in alphabet blocks. These are big cakes and I actaully quoted around 170 which I ran through my cake costing app. They then came back and said they have already had a quote for £70 and why is there such a big difference in the quotes. I’m not sure how to answer this tactfully so wonder if anyone can give any advice.


Hi all
I have just had a query from a customer who wanted a 14inch sq cake with a 10 inch on top. Biggest tier was to be chocolate and they also wanted 8 modelled elephants and a name spelt in alphabet blocks. These are big cakes and I actaully quoted around 170 which I ran through my cake costing app. They then came back and said they have already had a quote for £70 and why is there such a big difference in the quotes. I’m not sure how to answer this tactfully so wonder if anyone can give any advice.


Hi MIWL. Thank you for this. My quote was still underpriced but this is more to do with the area I’m in and I suppose still a lack of confidence if I’m honest. I’m not going to reduce my quote as I have to make a profit to stay in business. It just makes you doubt yourself at times x


Hi scarlet

If I was faced with the same problem I would let the customer know that this was my price based on all the ingredient, the time and care it takes to skillfully make the cake to specification. I would not budge from the original quote because that not only cheapens your work but also reflects on your reputation now and in the future. It goes without saying that £70.00 is totally unrealistic when everything is added up.
It’s up to people what they charge as long their price reflects their skill and where they are located. The other person/ bakery may be working to volume only and not making a profit! It would be impossible to make a like for like comparison.
In the past, I found some people will try their luck with the ‘I’ve been quoted….. ‘ but end up accepting my offer to do a similar, much smaller version of what they had in mind. Even then at a cost inline with the relevant skill level.
For expert advice on pricing your cake, and sticking to your guns take a look here:

Front Page

David has put up all these wonderful posts derived from his wealth of business experience. His advice makes total sense. These posts are a must read before you can reply adequately to the customer.
I think you need to ask yourself whether you need customers like this one. The problem is if you back down, word of mouth will soon make sure you get similar customers.
Wait also for other member’s replies, I’m not in business but I do make cakes for family and friends who are more than happy to pay what I ask. They know how much labour goes into producing something far better than they can get off the peg so to speak. The price which you have quoted is more than fair, in fact I would probably say it was underpriced and the customer is being totally unrealistic.!! x


Hi MIWL. Thank you for this. My quote was still underpriced but this is more to do with the area I’m in and I suppose still a lack of confidence if I’m honest. I’m not going to reduce my quote as I have to make a profit to stay in business. It just makes you doubt yourself at times x


I know how difficult it must be, other members must be faced with similar problems. I think the trick is to be aware of what your competitiors are charging for similar standard of work. If another competitor’s work is not as good as your’s they may well be charging less to reflect their skill levels.
I hope you did view David’s videos and have had time to read his blogs. I’m sure other members will make comment once they see your question. It would be soo good to get the opinion of more people so you can feel reassured. Please don’t let anyone undermine your confidence, you work hard and deserve to reap the rewards of your labour. x
Doubt let others make you doubt yourself


Please ignore that last part, I don’t know what happened there. I’m sure you realise it’s an error which I’m afraid I can’t edit yet! x


Big thanks for your support MIWL, much appreciated x

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