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Cutting out letters
Hi I am going to do a anniversary cake and they want their names on I am no good at writing freehand so could anyone tell me what is the best method to cut them out before hand.
Regards Glenis
Hi I am going to do a anniversary cake and they want their names on I am no good at writing freehand so could anyone tell me what is the best method to cut them out before hand.
Regards Glenis
Hi Glenis
I use the metal box set, alphabet and letter cutters and the tappit cutters. These come is lots of different fonts, my favourite are the funky cutters. You’ll also find Patchwork cutters also make a really good range including giant cutters!
There is a lot of information on the site about different cutters and how to use them here:
To see lots of different brands take a look here:
There are also several youtube tutorial on how to use the tappits. I think Paul also has a tutorial on tappits in the free section which discusses the different cake decorating tool.
Hope this helps. However, if you still need more information please post again. x
there is a quick free tutorial on using tappits from craftsy that helped me at
it takes but five minutes to watch