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Daft Mistake
Pauls 10 inch square cake recipe does me 2 X 6inch square cakes and 0.2 left over according to the chart, however what a silly school boy (girl) error. I had just finished making Pauls moist choc cake and put it in tins (2 X 6 inch Square) and thank goodness I had made it before as I thought the batter was a little thicker than before.
I was also aware that I did not have any mixture left as I have normally some left for a wee tiny cake or a few cupcakes. It was only after I put the cakes in the oven and started putting the ingredients away that I found the sugar!!
A quick whip out of the oven and back in the bowl with sugar, change of paper in tins and its in. Not tasted it yet but sure it is fine.
Question is….. should I give up my day job? (Though just joking) Hate to admit it but I am a pro member though work full time, but not thankfully in the cake industry.
Pauls 10 inch square cake recipe does me 2 X 6inch square cakes and 0.2 left over according to the chart, however what a silly school boy (girl) error. I had just finished making Pauls moist choc cake and put it in tins (2 X 6 inch Square) and thank goodness I had made it before as I thought the batter was a little thicker than before.
I was also aware that I did not have any mixture left as I have normally some left for a wee tiny cake or a few cupcakes. It was only after I put the cakes in the oven and started putting the ingredients away that I found the sugar!!
A quick whip out of the oven and back in the bowl with sugar, change of paper in tins and its in. Not tasted it yet but sure it is fine.
Question is….. should I give up my day job? (Though just joking) Hate to admit it but I am a pro member though work full time, but not thankfully in the cake industry.
And I left the sugar out altogether, baked the cakes and wondered why they hadn’t risen! That’s when I realised doh! no sugar!! we ate the cakes regardless with a dollop of cream fraiche and made cake pops with some. Nothing got wasted, however not a good idea to omit ingredients. Now I place all the ingredients infront of me, check them off from the list as I add them in so nothing is missed. Luckily for me I’m retired and my blunders I put down to my age! Happy baking and Seasons greetings to you.