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Dealing with hot weather
Bearing in mind a lot of wedding cakes are set up hours before the bride and groom actually get to cut the cake and serve it, how do you guys avoid problems with summer temperatures ruining your beautiful creations?
Bearing in mind a lot of wedding cakes are set up hours before the bride and groom actually get to cut the cake and serve it, how do you guys avoid problems with summer temperatures ruining your beautiful creations?
Hi rosco
In the UK we rarely have problems with heat. Last year was exceptionally warm for us and the heat prompted lots of discussion on how to cope with the cake decorating which was a nightmare! Some members posted how they coped. You can see a few comments from overseas members here http://www.cakeflix.com/questions/cake-decorating-in-hot-weather
There are more comments to see if you type in the above search box ‘hot weather’. I think setting up as close to serving time as possible will help significantly. I appreciate this isn’t always possible. The only thing you can do really is to ensure that the venue has air conditioning and make sure that the cake is set up away from direct sunlight and large windows which intensify heat. I’m sure other members with similar problems will contribute with their coping stragedies. I hope some of the comments help.