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Three inches deep is plenty, don’t forget that you will be filling and stacking all the separate pieces which will give it height. I made my teddy using Paul’s moist chocolate cake which finished just over two and a half inches, afte r filling and decorating, my teddy was pretty big. Good luck with your cake. x
I should also have added that if you use a scratch recipe and need to scale it up you can do it here http://www.cakeflix.com/blog/how-to-work-out-what-size-cake-tin-to-use. Sorry to omit it from my first answer.x
The teddy cake is for a 10 x 8 tin so you could make a 10″ square using any madeira recipe and cut the cake to size. There is lots of information on the site if you type ‘madeira cake’ in the search box. Alternatively you could use Wright’s madeira cake mix http://www.wrightsflour.co.uk/recipe.aspx?recipeid=298. If you go to their recipe section and scroll down to wedding cakes they have given amounts of mix required and bake timing for different size cakes. Hope this helps.
Thanks for your help but it is the depth of the finished cake I was worried about as the recipe I usually use produces a cake about three inches deep wasn’t sure if this would be deep enough