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asked February 16th 2015

Diamantes help!

Can anyone advise where I can by diamantes as shown in for the Jimmy Choo Shoe Cake? I can only seem to find diamante bands not individual picks. I’ve tried edible diamond jellies- but they just don’t attach to the sugar/florists paste.


Can anyone advise where I can by diamantes as shown in for the Jimmy Choo Shoe Cake? I can only seem to find diamante bands not individual picks. I’ve tried edible diamond jellies- but they just don’t attach to the sugar/florists paste.


Hi Pernickety

Hobbycraft keeps them in their wedding accessory aisle. I bought mine in my local florist wholesalers but you can get them on ebay, amazon or cake decorating stores. Some wedding dress shops have them in amongst hair accessories. I think Paul got his from Culpitts, shop around for best prices, although they’re not expensive now.
Google diamante sprays to see hundreds of suppliers or look here:

Hope this helps.


Brilliant – I hadn’t thought to explore florists or wedding shops!


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