Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked December 30th 2012


i’ve to make a real life like digger out of sponge but how would i make the big yellow steel looking thing that come’s out the front goes up to the ayr and down to the ground, thank’s x


i’ve to make a real life like digger out of sponge but how would i make the big yellow steel looking thing that come’s out the front goes up to the ayr and down to the ground, thank’s x


Hi Annabel

There are lots of images of digger cakes and toppers online. I googled JCB digger cakes as the key words. Have a look at this one for instance http://www.flickr.com/photos/cakechester/5462392027/ Non of the images help with a ‘how to make’, but by looking at the images you may be able to extract a few ideas on how to get started. This is a Cake Central link discussion http://cakecentral.com/t/615633/how-do-i-make-a-yellow-digger-cake which may also help, and this gives quite good advice http://community.babycentre.co.uk/post/a11132445/jcb_digger_cake.
These are just a few possibilities, perhaps you’ll find something else and hopefully our members will help out too.
Best of luck with it.


thank you madewith love x the steel part with the digger that comes out from the top then bends to the bottom if i use styrofoam for this part how would i get the fondent to stick to it and would it be sturdy enough or could i use fondent for this part and let it harden xxxx


You could use rice krispie treats instead of styrofoam or wired fondant shaped and dried.( Have a look at the brown handbag tutorial for instructions on how to insert wire into fondant.) If you look at the pictures of that part, it is attached at the bottom and goes up. Use Royal icing to attach it to the cake. If you want to use styrofoam just wet it a little with water and cover with fondant as you would a cake and the same goes with the rice krispie treats.


xxx thank you xxx

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