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asked March 4th 2013

Doctor’s coat cake

Hi all, i’m planning to make a cake similar to the one in the link: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Dikd55CA9W4/SHGH59Xn4-I/AAAAAAAABCU/JG7RwXJ7Kak/s400/doctor+coat.jpg. My challenge is actually how to cover the cake in fondant. Do i first cover the whole cake in blue before adding on the white?, not really sure how to go about this. Any ideas/suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Many thanks indeed


Hi all, i’m planning to make a cake similar to the one in the link: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Dikd55CA9W4/SHGH59Xn4-I/AAAAAAAABCU/JG7RwXJ7Kak/s400/doctor+coat.jpg. My challenge is actually how to cover the cake in fondant. Do i first cover the whole cake in blue before adding on the white?, not really sure how to go about this. Any ideas/suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Many thanks indeed


Hi Abimbola

If you search in youtube Yummy Arts ‘White Collar Pride Father’s Day Cake’ you get an idea how to make the collar. Once you have that part done it would easy to cut out the blue to insert in place. You’ll see other similar tutorials when that video finishes. Hope this helps.


madeit- how do you find all these things ! your fab !!
I would put the blue underneath the white, bit like Paul does in his nessy cake- the collar would hide the blue raised bit- so that you dont have to put the blue all over x


Putting the blue under the white is good! just thought because it was such a small amount of blue a piece cut to size would sit snuggly in the coat collar area. x


Many thanks to you all for your time and effort in giving your ideas. Thanks indeed

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