Welcome to the Cake Decorators Q&A

asked November 23rd 2012



I’m new to baking nd I’m going to tier a cake for the first time. I want to buy plastic dowels off the Internet but I’m finding 8inch, 10 and 12 inch mostly… Which Do u think works best ?

Also when insetting these dowels to an3 tierd cake- do I insert in just the bottom or also on the 2nd tier to hold up the top tier ?

Thanks 🙂



I’m new to baking nd I’m going to tier a cake for the first time. I want to buy plastic dowels off the Internet but I’m finding 8inch, 10 and 12 inch mostly… Which Do u think works best ?

Also when insetting these dowels to an3 tierd cake- do I insert in just the bottom or also on the 2nd tier to hold up the top tier ?

Thanks 🙂


Hi Gianella,

Most cakes are around 2.5 to 4 inches in depth so any of these plastic dowels will do as you need to cut them to size. They snap very easily if you score them with a knife, or you can cut them with pliers like I do.

I insert dowels into every tier of cake that has a cake on top – so for a three tier you would insert them into tier one and tier two. Don’t forget to include a cake card or board at the bottom of every tier for support.

If you have a look at the tutorials, the ones on wedding cakes will show you dowelling and stacking.

Hope that helps!

JC x

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